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Permaculture Design Certificate Course

4-17 May 2022 

A Permaculture Design Certificate Course  (PDC) is an internationally known and accepted 72-hour theory course resulting in a Permaculture Design Certificate. The PDC provides an introduction to permaculture design according to the movement’s founder Bill Mollison and it is designed on his international course curriculum.


ARD organizes a 14 day PDC that is equally theoretical and practical with a lot of hands-on sessions, walk and talk for an immersive experience in the middle of Taybeh Organic Farms which is transitioning to regenerative farming and currently implementing a permaculture design on its site. The farm is certified organic since 2020.


This PDC will give you the knowledge and the practical confidence to design sustainable living systems for a wide variety of landscapes and climates, with a focus on dry and arid climates, start your own regenerative projects and implement permaculture principles in your everyday life. 

Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Jordan

What is Permaculture?

"Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the conscious design and maintenance of agriculturally productive ecosystems which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems.” (B. Mollison, Permaculture, a designers’ manual).

Design systems can be applied to all aspect of life and more broadly permaculture can be seen as a philosophy for a sustainable and holistic lifestyle. In simple words, it is a way to cooperate with the living world, instead of working against it or trying to dominate it.

What will you learn? 

During the course you will learn the strategies and techniques that can provide a permanence of human life on earth in harmony with nature. It will give you design tools for planning and implementing garden, home, work and community projects that look after the earth and people. This PDC results in a Permaculture Design Certificate: you will be delivered a certificate of good completion of the course led by Thomas Fernley-Pearson, Machiel van Nieuwenhove and organized by ARD.   



  • Permaculture ethics & principles

  • Observing and understanding patterns

  • Design process and methodology : SADIM (Survey, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Maintain)

  • Soil science, management and conservation

  • Water harvesting and irrigation systems

  • Trees, orchard and woodland management

  • Food forest design, implementation and management

  • Cultivated ecology: intensive garden

  • Plant care and seed saving

  • Urban challenges and urban permaculture

  • Appropriate technology and sustainable energy systems

  • Animals in permaculture systems

  • Hands on: earthwork, compost, intensive gardening, natural building, plant care... 


Check our detailed program (minor changes may apply to final program)

Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Jordan
Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Jordan

Course structure  

ARD is offering an intensive and immersive permaculture design course which means that every day is filled with information and that during the time of the course you will experience, live and work with nature in the middle of the stunning environment of Taybeh Organic Farms for a unique community living experience. The course will alternate between theoretical and practical sessions, (and breaks!) with several sessions led by guest instructors coming to share their expertise. Most of the course will be outdoor and in the fields. It is knowledge-intensive but this course does not require any prior experience. It is open to anyone, to the ones willing to pursue a permaculture career to the ones simply willing to reconnect with nature and learn strategies to reduce their ecological footprint. 

Course information   


Regular: 950JD (1324$)

Early Birds (register before 15th March): 10%

Includes: Camping spots to pitch your own tent, access to all basic amenities, full board meals, all course material and teachers fees.  

Upon registration you will be asked to fill in your information and to pay a deposit of 250 JD. You will be asked to pay the remaining balance at the start of the course.


Refund policy:

In case of cancellation of the event by the organizers due to external causes (Corona, extreme weather or other), the total amount of the course will be refunded. In case of last-minute cancellation from the participants (less than 7 days before the event), the organizers have the right to keep the registration fee.



ARD's Centre is based in Taybeh Organic Farms, Wadi Rajeb, Ajloun. ARD’s accommodation is camping based and offers specific camping sites for the participants who should bring their own tent. You will have access to all basic amenities: showers, toilets, kitchen etc… If you do not have a tent, ARD can provide you with a tent and mattress for 50JD extra (for the 14 days of the course).



Participants will be provided 3 meals a day and 2 tea breaks. Ingredients will be organic and locally sourced, when possible. Participants will take part in the preparation of the meals and the cleaning as it is part of the program.





Are you wondering what to bring, the exact location or know more about what to expect, please check our FAQ page and if you still have questions, please contact us!

Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Jordan
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Financial support

Thanks to the Austrian Embassy Amman, ARD is offering scholarships to attend the Permaculture Design Certificate Course 2022. The number of scholarships is limited and priority will be given to: 


  • The local community of the Jordanian countryside.

  • The local community working in the farming sector. 

  • Individuals with high motivation to learn about permaculture and facing financial limitations.


If you think you match these criteria and want to apply for a scholarship please contact us to receive the selection form:



First time to Jordan?

Are you planning to come to the PDC Course in Jordan from abroad? Ahlan wa Sahlan! (welcome!) Jordan has amazing opportunities to enjoy nature and wild life as well as very well preserved historical sites. Don’t hesitate to contact us for more details about the country and your stay. Here are some quick tips:


  • You can easily get a taxi from the airport to Amman (around 20 JD) or directly to ARD Centre in Taybeh Organic Farms (around 50 JD). The farm is in Wadi Rajeb, municipality of Ajloun (North of Jordan). Both ARD and Taybeh Organic Farms are on google so it is easy to find. From the airport calculate 2h30 drive or 1h30 drive from Amman to reach the farm.

  • Check the updated country’s regulations in regards of Corona before travelling: 



Take the opportunity to visit Jordan before or after the PDC, we can help you organize your trip, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Permaculture Design Certificate Course in Jordan

Meet the Team!

Lead Instructors:





Thomas is a Research Ecologist, Environmental Scientist, Garden Designer, Agricultural Consultant and Water and Sanitation Technician.

He has worked extensively in farming projects in California, Colombia, Uganda, Palestine and Jordan. He has also conducted research on the Amazon ecosystems of South America, Mangrove forests of East Africa, and the marine systems of the Mediterranean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean.  He is the founder of the Bustan Qaraaqa Project in the West Bank, which promotes regenerative technologies in communities under the occupation. He has authored the two books "Agroforestry for Palestine: Good trees for a better future" and "Trees of Palestine" available online in free download.

Thomas is an excellent instructor and knows how to transmit his extended knowledge with clarity and passion.  

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Van Nieuwenhove


Machiel is an engineer-architect, designer, builder and educator. 

Driven by a passion to design solutions for the problems we face in our urban environments and communities, he co-founded Greening the Camps in 2016 to design and build community-based urban farms in Jordan. Early 2020 he lived and worked on Taybeh Organic Farms, where he was part of the first stages of the design and implementation of the regenerative agriculture project. In the summer of 2020 he took his Permaculture Design Certificate and then worked a co-facilitator on 6 PDC’s at Terra Alta (Portugal).

This trajectory has culminated in the co-establishment of BALADI Collective, a studio focused on design, implementation and education on the intersection of ecology, agriculture and landscape, anchored on permaculture ethics and principles. 


Guest Instructors:

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Abu El-Hajj


Abla is a consultant and expert in training and managing permaculture and compost workshops for beginners and trainers (ToT).

After working many years as a teacher in Amman, she then learned about permaculture and started working in 2017 on a small piece of land she bought in the Dead Sea valley where she now lives and grows her own produce. She converted her once rocky arid land into a beautiful fertile garden that stands as an exemplary model for all permaculture students. She has been giving many workshops and trainings in composting with associations such as Aljawasreh Charity Association for women in the Jordan Valley, Saidat Charity Society, Albierh Charity Asociatio, Beit Ira and Yarqa, GFA, GIZ, Jordan Municipal Support project and FCM.

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Deema Assaf is a Jordanian architect, researcher and urban forester. She is Founder & Director of TAYYŪN, an Amman-based research studio exploring intersections of urbanism, deep ecology, and ethics of place making. Her work focuses on regeneration of urban ecosystems through native forest creation and cross-species architecture. With over fourteen years of experience, Deema has been involved in a variety of projects including World Heritage sites and national nature reserves. She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Architecture from the University of Jordan (2007, 2012), and was trained in permaculture design (2017) and the Miyawaki method for forest creation (2018). She lives and works in Amman.





Firas is a Jordanian filmmaker, actor and farmer.

He manages Taybeh Organic Farms and is the co-founder of ARD. He will be your main host during the PDC Course and welcome you in his family farm.  



de Tillesse


Alexia worked as a cultural project officer before transitioning to the field of permaculture and organic farming in Jordan. She finished a 2 year course in Herbalism at the European School of Herbalism in Brussels. She is the co-founder of ARD. As the main coordinator, she will be playing behind the scene making sure all is set! 


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Anas Taybeh is an agricultural engineer - farm animal production. Driven by passion and responsibility, he has been involved in agriculture and farming from an early age helping in his family's farm. Recently he's been developing his skills to help restoring ecosystems. Now he is helping in managing the implementation of the permaculture design in Taybeh organic farms. He also worked in Gazelle Agriculture Co. 2009-2019 as a trainee and as supervisor on field trials in meat quality and by raising broiler chicken without intentionally using antibiotics and anti-coccidia, and participated on a few volunteering events that support nature.

Hosting Team:

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Sahar Khalifa is a professional singer, musician, educator and a trainer. Inspired by her father who was a farmer and gardener, Sahar developed a green hand very early and her love for nature has always inspired her through her career. She has been involved with Taybeh Organic Farms for many years, she joined a course with ARD on intensive kitchen  gardening “Growing Our Own Food” and an in-depth composting course with GIZ. As part of the hosting and coordination team, she will make sure you find yourself at best!





Wild nature girl with an affinity for all living things - plants and animals alike. Currently on the path of delving deeper into the world of permaculture, Lara holds a PDC certificate from Oregon State University and has volunteered on a number of farms in Jordan and Portugal. As a former Food & Beverage professional and an aspiring farmer, Lara dreams of having her own permaculture land and restaurant. Lara is joining the coordination team and will share her permaculture skills and knowledge with us!


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Cecilia Schuppisser studied Gastronomic Sciences at UNISG in Piedmont (Italy), her professional experience lies manly in the kitchen. She has worked in a Michelin star restaurant, yachts, and mountain restaurants as well as in events and farm to table restaurants. She is knowledgeable in the science of nutrition, health, and wellbeing which she tackles with a good understanding of the chemistry, biology and microbiology of food and body. The impact of Slow Food on her life and in her studies is evident and has turned her attention towards regenerative farming and permaculture. This is the reason why she travelled to Portugal in the summer of 2021 to take her PDC in Terra Alta educational centre. After her course she stayed on as a volunteer facilitating the hands-on part of the course, in the kitchen. She aspires to become a life coach to include a more spiritual and cognitive tool to her set of skills. Cecilia will be leading the kitchen making sure it becomes a healthy and community building experience! 


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